Concert at Ottawa Tulip FestivalConcert at Free Times Café (Toronto) with Lana and HirschPerformance at private partyChanuka celebration for Sephardic Community of Ottawa with JoelPerformance at Yom Ha'Shoa commemorationJam session with klezmer musiciansConcert for Friends Of Yiddish Club with AlexanderPurim celebration at Coral Gables (Florida) with Eddie and ConstantinConcert for Friends Of Yiddish Club with LanaConcert at Bernard Betel CentreChanuka Concert at Baycrest Winter GardenConcert at BaycrestWith Tom at Retirement Home at 160 Wellesley Ave in Toronto
Here is the video of the song “Vi Iz Dus Gessele” Shaina Lipsey and Isaac performed at the CD launch on Sept. 15 at Ottawa SJCC.
If you can't play the video, you can also get to it from this link: